
Why You Should Never Underestimate The Power Of An Introvert
I approach this topic both from a personal and professional vantage point. Introverts have always been advised they require greater energy: greater energy to connect, to paint their vision, to communicate their ask and to sell their strategic plan.

Women Who Want To Lead Follow A Sponsor
Straights A’s, graduated cum laude and raised $125,000 dollars for a major not for profit organization despite grueling 70 hour work weeks. Reduced expenses by 8% and increased profit margins by 2 percent, no small feat.

You Should Be Opportunistic When it Comes To Year Career
My clients often ask what the appropriate time period is to start positioning themselves for a new role. It’s always fascinating to look at the timing of this question. On average, employees start to think about and generally explore their future career path at the 10-month to one year mark.

Your Boss Is Just Not That Into You: Five Tell Tale Signs
Whether you like it or not, your boss has a lot of power. Power to make a difference, power to advance your career. Our mid-year reviews and annual performance appraisals provide key data points regarding how we’re tracking performance. These are the obvious or traditional metrics.

What Female Leaders Can Teach Us About Communication
Men and women communicate differently. We all know this. Both genders have been known to be frustrated by these differences. We do though share one true objective when we speak, and that is to be heard.

Unhappy With your Job? Here’s How To Find Out What You Really Want
Are you motivated by challenges and seek growth and fulfillment or do you just go to work to collect a paycheck?

Two Must Have Skills To Power Up To The Executive Ranks
Talent as a leader comes down to two things: cognitive and emotional agility. These are fundamental and non-negotiable leadership attributes. Sophisticated and seasoned leaders have mastered these multifaceted skill sets.

The Nuts And Bolts Of Great Leadership Coaching
Being offered a coaching engagement is a testimony that your organization is invested in your development. You are viewed as a valued asset with a bright future.

Closure Knowing When To End The Coaching Engagement
Leadership coaches who work with businesses must keep in mind they have two clients. Coaches are assigned an engagement by the broader organization and are accountable to the sponsor as well as their actual coaching client.

Five Vital Behaviors To Learn When You Become A Leader
Individual contributors are rewarded when they consistently meet timelines, produce high-quality work, demonstrate initiative and fit well within company culture.

Cindy Wahler Ph.D., C.Psych
Corporate Consultant
Toronto, Ontario CANADA