
Why Every CEO Should Have At Least One Trusted Advisor
It’s like getting caught in a vortex of fast spinning energy. You may steamroll ahead, make quick decisions without considering factors such as determining risks, employing the right metrics, ascertaining whether the market wants what you’re selling, identifying top talent, correctly evaluating...

Why Innovative Leadership Is A Nonnegotiable For Every Business
There is a fundamental question all organizations should be asking which is, “How can we stay in business forever?” In reality, there are only a select number of companies that approach their business offerings with this lens.

Why Is It So Hard To Be A Team Player
There is no shortage of shared initiatives in an organization. Different areas have common platforms. Shared intelligence reduces costs, increases efficiencies, produces innovative solutions and ultimately serves the larger enterprise.

Why Senior Leaders Can Sometimes Act Like Fifth Graders
Accomplished, executive presence, whip-smart, and far-reaching gravitas: many successful executives have these impressive attributes in spades. We look up to these top leaders. They are our role models. Sometimes they are even revered.

Why Some Game Changers Are At High Risk Of Becoming Lone Wolves
So, you have been hired to be a game changer. As a matter of fact, your primary mandate has been to disrupt the organization. You arrive with fervor and excitement and, in short order, see where great opportunities reside.

Bad Boss? How To Move To A Different Leader Without Leaving The Company
We've all had bad bosses. They take many forms. They may be self-centered, power mongering, larcenous of your great ideas, wildly emotional with erratic flash points, or too passive and unable to motivate and inspire, like anxious wallflowers at a high school dance.

Why There Will Never Be An App For Leadership
Great leaders spend years honing their skills. They become adept observers of human behavior. They learn along the way by watching other leaders fail as well as succeed. The process is one of trial and error, formalized training and growing maturity over time – in other words, one of evolution.

Why Working Hard May Not Pay Off
One of my very first positions was in the retail industry. I thought I had been a loyal employee working long hours, signing up for double shifts, using my breaks to gauge inventory, balance the books, and volunteer for any miscellaneous chores.

What Will Make or Break You As A Leader
I board a plane and am sitting in seat C. A gentleman approaches me, points and states “Seat C, that’s mine!” I simply pull out my boarding pass hold it up to him and he embarrassingly mumbles and files into his seat. His seat is D. Perhaps this was a genuine mistake on his part or perhaps his...

Being Obsessed About Your Next Promotion Sure Won’t Get You There
Clients often ask how to advance within an organization. They look around and try to figure out the magic formula.

Cindy Wahler Ph.D., C.Psych
Corporate Consultant
Toronto, Ontario CANADA