
Looking To Advance Your Career But Not Sure You Can? Follow These Steps
The more you think about advancing your career in traditional ways, the greater you lessen your chances of achieving that goal. Contrary to popular opinion, determining whether you fit a written job description isn't how to align yourself with your next big role.

Never Too Many Stars On Your Team: The True Measure Of A Great Leader
Great leadership begins with being a tremendous advocate for your direct reports. My client, whom I admire greatly, is a tremendous advocate for her direct reports. She provides her team with stretch goals and encourages them to go beyond their perceived capabilities.

Personality Types That Will Wreck Your Company Culture
We have been hearing for decades now that there is a war on talent. With greater understanding and sensitivity to diversity and inclusion, the search for top talent is even more pressing.

Quit Whining And Do Your Job
It is human nature to externalise work place challenges. We can easily find lots to complain about; every organization has obstacles.

Retention Of Female Executives–How To Get It Right – Forbes
Let’s move away from the concept of work life balance. There is not a single female or male executive that I have worked with who has stated that this is a realistic goal. We can strive as senior leaders to find ways to make good choices, however, it does come down to tradeoffs.

Six Behavioral Traits That Define Executive Presence
Executive presence can mean different things. It is important to ensure you have a behavioral understanding of this term. This will allow you to have a definition of what to work towards.

The Future of Female Leaders: How Organisations Must Up Their Investment
Print media, social media, and virtually all forms of communication advising that women need to show up differently in order to gain influence and traction may potentially be misguided.

The One Mistake An Aspiring VP Should Not Make
I would suggest that although not all senior leaders aspire to the executive ranks, many do. I have spent considerable time trying to understand why this might be the case. I have worked with leaders across many different global entities.

The Perils of Workforce Complacency
Complacency can be the toxic undercurrent of your organization. If you are the top dog in your field you run the risk of being fat and lazy. You assume you have all the answers and you quickly take your eye off the ball. Don’t forget, your competitors who are in the number 2 and 3 spots remain...

Too Much Or Too lIttle Ego Undermines Leadership
For many senior executives, acing the interview process is a slam dunk. Firms train leaders for this very purpose. Candidates for senior roles get to practice responding to the typical behavioral questions asked by employers. They are also provided with a list of "smart" questions to ask their...

Cindy Wahler Ph.D., C.Psych
Corporate Consultant
Toronto, Ontario CANADA