
How To Build An Impactful Career
Being strategic about which jobs you say yes to is important for your well-being and happiness.

So You Want To Work At A Startup: How To Build An Impact-Driven Career
You are now venturing into the world, and if you are honest with yourself, you have a mix of trepidation and excitement. Hopefully good fortune shines your way, and you will be courted by many exciting firms that want to change the world.

Buyer Beware: How to Mitigate Wrong Hires
Prepping for an interview is much like getting ready for an exciting night out. Lots of thought goes into your packaging, researching a potential employer and sorting out what differentiates you in the marketplace.

Want to Be Promoted? Title and Compensation Are The Wrong Motivators
We must stop believing that the entire employee population wants to advance their careers. This simply is just not true. Leaders are often frustrated when, try as they might, they can’t seem to ignite everybody on their team. Isn’t it human nature to forge ahead and strive for more?

Are You In It to Win It or In It Not to Lose?
A thought leader’s natural set point is disequilibrium. They seek out ways to challenge current paradigms. One of my clients said it best, “I can benchmark myself against existing strategy and sure I’ll do well, or I can create strategy and then break existing paradigms.”

Why Being Likeable As A Leader Matters
We pursue higher education to further business reasoning, problem solving, critical reasoning capabilities and to ultimately broaden our frame of reference. But at the end of the day, as leaders, we are measured on two things: getting stuff done and our ability to lead others to help us get the...

Why Every Organization Needs A Charismatic Introvert
Ask an introvert and an extrovert what defines a great conversation. Introverts enjoy spending time with one or a very select number of individuals, and in-depth conversations are rewarding. Extroverts love talking to many people. The more they engage, the more they are fired up.

Why Entitlement Is The Number One Leadership Derailer
Entitled employees complain – a lot. Bad things are somebody else’s fault. They whine about the injustices of their organization. They create a groundswell that undermines the goodwill of others. They are experts at finding a soapbox and telling you everything that is going wrong in their world.

What Your Boss Will Never Tell You
So you've been promoted. Congratulations, you have been rewarded for being an outstanding individual contributor. Now what?

Overcoming Procrastination: One of The Great Barriers to Success
My closest friend through grad school has perfected the art of procrastination. She is a master. She got away with by compensating for this behavior with her smarts and charismatic influence. One of our professors gave her a book on time management.

Cindy Wahler Ph.D., C.Psych
Corporate Consultant
Toronto, Ontario CANADA